In discharge status and the length of stay , there are significant differences among admitted patient conditions , admission departments , the characteristics of the hospitals , and case mix complexities 病患特质(除性别外) 、医院特质在医院别(除评鉴等级、权属别外) 、住院科别和住院病例组合复杂性等,与住院病患出院时状况皆有显着差异。
The purposes of this study are to examine whether the variations of hospitals ' characteristics , admission departments , and in - patients ' characteristics are different on in - patients case mix complexities ; and to explore the relationships among case mix complexities , discharge status , and length of stay among in - patients of six hospitals in the taipei metropolitan area 摘要本研究主要目的在探讨不同医院特质、科系别及病患特质与住院病例组合复杂性间的关系,并探讨住院病例组合复杂性与住院病患出院状况及住院日数之间的关联性。